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What is QA Automation Testing?

Testing is done with the intention to find errors and flaws and it is a significant activity to discover all sorts of errors. Every software development group perfectly tests its products, however, delivered one has defects. Test engineers always strive to catch them before the product is launched but they always creep in, even with the powerful manual testing processes.
QA Automation Test offered by prominent companies is the best way to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and coverage of your software testing. The company used a series of automated testing techniques to avoid costly future issues. Beneficial and empathetic testing always diminishes the system cost as well.
Customized QA Automation solutions
When to QA automation test an application? Automation testing is essential in the following scenario of the Software:
  • Big and serious projects
  • Requirements don’t change oftentimes
  • Steady Software with respect to manual testing
  • Obtainability of time
  • Access the application for load & performance with various virtual users
  • Projects that need to test the same areas on a frequent basis
The critical objective of automated testing is to simplify the testing effort as much as possible with a minimum set of scripts. Automated QA software testing has long been considered captivating for big software development enterprises. Quality Assurance Automated testing tools are capable of execution of the tests, reporting results, and comparing outcomes with earlier test runs. Tests carried out with these tools can be easily run repeatedly, at any time of day.
Benefits of Automation Testing:
  • No matter where you are, you can easily re-start the tests and keep on working. You can even perform in a remote way.
  • The set of scripts are reusable:
You don’t necessitate the new scripts all the time, even if the version of the OS on the device change. It also allows you to redo the tests without forgetting any steps.
You do not need several testers at a time: you would need a test automation engineer to write your scripts in order to automate your tests.
  • QA Automation tests also help you find bugs in the primary phases or stages of software development, don’t kill your working hours, and allow extra expenses to fix these problems as well.
  • Automated QA testing helps testers, like automation engineers. They can see what scripts he has already written, what other engineers have done, what bugs were already found & fixed, and what tests have already been performed through clear reports.
  • Automated testing is the fastest and most reliable way when running boring repetitive standardized tests but may cause errors when manually tested.
This type of specialized testing also allows running tests on numerous mobile devices (more than 18000 devices) at a time. Testing all of them manually would be next to impossible!

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